The Charles County Sheriff’s Office dedicates the 2013 Annual Report to retired Sheriff Francis C. “Buddy” Garner and to Sgt. David Beall. Both men died in 2013 but leave a legacy of dedicated service to our community.
May they rest in peace.
2013 At a Glance
County Population: 152,864 (Census Estimate)
Sworn Officers: 291
Corrections Officers: 153
Civilian Personnel: 209
Calls for Service: 244,352
Arrests: 11,029 (adults and juveniles)
Motor Vehicle Citations: 54,967
DUI Citations: 1,295
Automobile Crash Deaths: 8 crashes resulting in 10 deaths*
Alcohol-Related Crash Deaths: 4*
Internal Affairs: Internal Affairs handled 71 cases in 2013. Of those, 11 were exonerated, 18 were unfounded, 11 were sustained, 11 were non-sustained, 6 were withdrawn, 5 were closed with the employees resigning under investigation, 1 was handled within the applicable division, 3 were not investigated, 1 was acquitted criminally, 1 the SAO declined to prosecute, 1 was determined to be a training issue and 2 were closed with no policy violations. The IA cases involved 74 police officers, 12 correctional officers, and 2 civilians.
*Statistics do not include Maryland State Police traffic fatality investigations.
Crime statistics for Charles County, to include crimes investigated by the Maryland State Police and the La Plata Town Police, are available in the Maryland Uniform Crime Report. Citizens can also search for crimes investigated by the Charles County Sheriff’s Office using, which provides citizens with near instant access to calls for service data.
The Year in Review
Protecting our community is our priority and an obligation we fulfill through traditional police work, innovative community programs and a strong alliance with citizens, businesses, community organizations and government officials. Our achievements in 2013 reflect not only our hard work but also the effort our community has invested in public safety.
THE GOLD STANDARD: It could be said that the Charles County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO) passed its 2013 Commission on the Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) audit with flying colors, but one color has particular prominence: Gold. After completing the audit the CALEA assessors indicated that the CCSO had received the highest rating possible and was eligible for the Gold Standard of Excellence Award, which is presented to law enforcement agencies that demonstrate an exceptional level of adherence to CALEA standards.
The CCSO earned CALEA accreditation in 2001. Like all CALEA-certified law enforcement agencies, the CCSO must demonstrate continued adherence to CALEA standards by submitting annual reports and by taking part in on-site audits conducted every three years. The CCSO was successfully audited in 2004, 2007 and 2010. At a ceremony in January 2011, CALEA announced that the CCSO had earned CALEA’s Flagship status. Flagship agencies, which would later become Gold Standard agencies, are considered model CALEA agencies to which agencies initiating the accreditation process can look for guidance. In 2013, the CCSO became the first Maryland law enforcement agency to receive two consecutive perfect assessment scores.
CALEA was established as a credentialing authority in 1979 through the collaborative efforts of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives, National Sheriffs’ Association and Police Executive Research Forum. It is the premier law enforcement credentialing authority worldwide.
NEW PATROL PLAN: The CCSO developed a special patrol deployment plan to implement when a neighborhood experiences an increase in reported crimes or concerns or when district commanders want to address specific public safety issues. The plan focuses heavily on community interaction and police visibility. When the plan is activated the CCSO increases vehicle, bicycle, foot and ATV patrols; mobilizes the Command Post bus to serve as a meet-and-greet area where citizens receive informational fliers and speak directly with officers; mobilizes specially-trained officers including radar operators, bike patrol officers, ATV-trained officers, Community Policing officers and Tactical Response Squad officers to address specific issues; and uses digital message boards to indicate there are police patrols in the area.
HISTORY LESSON: The CCSO’s unofficial historian, Lt. Edward Godwin, uncovered new details in 2013 regarding the Agency’s first recorded line-of-duty death, which occurred on May 21, 1918, when Patrolman Lawrence McParlin was shot and killed while attempting to serve a summons in Washington, DC.
For decades, the CCSO knew little about PTM McParlin or the circumstances of his death. Then, in December 2012, Ms. Kathryn Lynn, a descendent of PTM McParlin’s wife, Ms. Ethel Bradley, contacted the CCSO to provide the location of PTM McParlin’s burial site, information she had uncovered in her own family history investigation and knew might be useful to the CCSO. She was also able to provide Lt. Godwin with a list of Ms. Bradley’s possible descendents. Lt. Godwin mailed about a dozen letters to the potential descendents and while he waited for a response, he investigated and uncovered previously unknown details regarding PTM McParlin’s death. Eventually, Lt. Godwin received a response from Ms. Maryalice Gillette of Rochester, New York, a relative of Ms. Bradley’s. Ms. Gillette provided information about PTM McParlin’s family as well as several photographs of him. These were the first photographs the CCSO had ever seen of PTM McParlin. Lt. Godwin arranged to have one of the photographs framed and hung in the atrium of the Sheriff’s Headquarters. He also arranged to have it posted on the CCSO, National Law Enforcement Memorial and Officer Down Memorial websites.
Inspired by the sense of closure provided by the new information and photographs, Lt. Godwin organized a memorial ceremony in observance of Police Week 2013 in May. The ceremony honored the CCSO’s fallen officers and formally recognized the 95th anniversary of PTM McParlin’s death. CCSO personnel, family members of fallen CCSO officers – including Ms. Gillette and her family, who traveled from New York and Virginia – and other special guests attended the May 12 ceremony in front of the CCSO memorial statue outside Headquarters. While delivering his remarks, Lt. Godwin thanked the Gillette family for attending and for helping the CCSO obtain “closure after 95 long years.” The ceremony also included a wreath laying at the memorial, somber musical performances, prayers, remarks from Sheriff Rex Coffey and a proclamation from the Charles County Commissioners. The ceremony was considered a fitting and uplifting end to a tragic chapter in the CCSO’s 355-year history.
The week after the ceremony, Lt. Godwin traveled to PTM McParlin’s burial site in New York, where he laid the wreath that had been made for the CCSO ceremony in the patrolman’s honor.

Lieutenants Stephen Salvas, left, and Edward Godwin salute as Ms. Courtney Bailey performs the national anthem during a memorial ceremony held in honor of Police Week and the 95th anniversary of the death of PTM McParlin, the first CCSO officer known to have been killed in the line of duty.
“RUFF” COMPETITION: The best police K9s in the United States converged on Charles County for a week in October to compete in the United States Police Canine Association (USPCA) 2013 Patrol Dog Field Trials. The event, which was hosted by the CCSO and USPCA Region 3, brought about 120 USPCA-certified K9 teams to Charles County to compete in obedience, agility, criminal apprehension, suspect search and evidence recovery. All competitive events were free and open to the public. To close the event, the CCSO and Region 3 hosted a free, well-attended public demonstration at North Point High School to showcase the impressive skills of the handlers and their dogs. During the competition’s off hours, the CCSO treated the handlers and their families to a quintessential Southern Maryland experience complete with a crab feast at the Port Tobacco Marina and a tour of Washington, DC. The event was funded in part by the USPCA and in part by community donations. Numerous Charles County businesses supported the event by donating money, goods and services.
CRIME VICTIMS: Allison Murphy, the CCSO’s Victim Services Coordinator, and other CCSO personnel participated in a candlelight vigil at the Charles County Courthouse to honor victims of crime as part of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW). During NCVRW, the CCSO also posted facts about crime and crime victims on its Facebook page. Ms. Murphy helps victims of crimes in Charles County to ensure they are aware of their rights and directs them to other services and organizations, such as the Center for Abused Persons.
NATIONAL NIGHT OUT: Residents in 149 neighborhoods joined the CCSO in August for the 30th annual National Night Out (NNO), a celebration of the community’s alliance against crime, drugs and violence. Many neighborhoods hosted block parties and others lit porch lights to demonstrate their support. Some businesses donated money and prizes and displayed NNO-themed messages on their marquees. Target (the event’s national sponsor), Maredith Management in Waldorf, Toyota/Scion of Waldorf and SMECO each donated $500. American Legion Post 82 in La Plata donated $100 and BJ’s Wholesale Club donated a $50 gift card. The Moose Lodge in White Plains donated the use of its facility and provided snacks and beverages at an NNO kick-off event for the CCSO and invited guests.
NNO is a nationwide event coordinated by the National Association of Town Watch (NATW). For the 20th consecutive year, NATW recognized Charles County’s NNO enthusiasm by awarding the CCSO with a Category II award for communities with populations between 100,000 and 299,000. Charles County ranked 18th out of 27 participating agencies in the category.
The CCSO holds an annual NNO coloring contest and recognizes the winners in each age category from ages 4 to 12 at a ceremony held in October at the Greater Waldorf Jaycees Community Center.

Master Cpl. Judith Thompson and McGruff the Crime Dog greet a youngster at a National Night Out neighborhood gathering.
AS SEEN ON TV: As Frank “Ponch” Poncherello on CHiPS, Erik Estrada famously fought fictional crime but nowadays, he is tackling a very real issue: Internet Safety. Mr. Estrada presented his new film, “Finding Faith,” at the Southern Maryland Christian Academy (SMCA) in September. The film documents the true story of a young girl who was abducted by a man she met via the Internet. Estrada, a spokesman for the Safe Surfin’ Foundation, had been visiting schools and churches across the country to discuss ways to protect young children from online predators as part of his decade-long commitment to Internet safety. During Mr. Estrada’s visit, SMCA pastors Marvin Harris and Frank Shelton presented Sheriff Coffey with a plaque honoring his passion for protecting the citizens of Charles County, particularly children. The event was free and open to the public.
DARE DONATION: The American Legion Department of Maryland presented $1,500 to the CCSO in March at the American Legion Post 82 in La Plata as part of the organization’s annual support of the CCSO’s Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) program. Mr. Robert M. Johnson of the Department of Maryland Children and Youth Commission presented a check to Sgt. Carl Rye, a supervisor in the School Resource Unit, which administers the DARE program. Sheriff Rex Coffey, American Legion members Buddy Hindle, John Countryman, Doug Clark, Sherri Cannon and Mike Cannon, and Sgt. Mike Vaughn, the second supervisor in the School Resource Unit, also participated in the presentation ceremony.
MEDICATION TAKE-BACK DAY: The CCSO collected and arranged for the safe and anonymous destruction of 60 pounds of prescription and non-prescription medication and vitamins in October as part of the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Medication Take-Back Program. The collection was part of the national initiative, but the CCSO offers the service year-round at its La Plata and Waldorf district stations. Citizens who choose to submit their unused medication and vitamins to one of the disposal centers help keep the drugs from being misused or stolen and ensure they are disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.
THE PRESIDENTIAL INAUGURATION: Forty CCSO officers joined more than 2,500 officers from across the United States to provide security at the 57th Presidential Inauguration on January 21, 2013. Prior to the inauguration, the officers received training that consisted of familiarization with the event agenda, presidential and inauguration etiquette, and being sworn in as U.S. Marshals, as mandated by law. The CCSO’s roles and responsibilities for this prestigious event included, among other things, providing security along the parade route.
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CCSO officers monitor a section of the cheering crowd as President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama walk the parade route after the president’s inauguration.
Youth Outreach
WE CARE: The start of the school year in August marked the return of We Care, a highly successful teen driver campaign that reinforces important safety messages throughout the school year.
Automobile crashes have long been a leading cause of death in teenagers, but after nine students died during the 2007-2008 school year in a shocking, saddening series of traffic fatalities, the Charles County community resolved to defy the odds and prevent the loss of more young lives. We Care was developed as part of an alliance between the CCSO and Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) and introduced at the beginning of the school year in 2008. Each year since, the program has engaged students in conversations and activities that discourage unsafe and unlawful driver behavior.
On the first day of school, Sheriff Coffey and members of his Command Staff, along with School Superintendent Dr. Kimberly Hill and School Resource Unit officers, greeted student drivers entering school parking lots and distributed fliers with information about safe driving and teen-specific traffic laws. The school officers conducted additional checkpoints randomly throughout the remainder of the school year to ensure students wore their seatbelts and complied with laws restricting passengers who can occupy vehicles driven by teens. The schools sponsored safe driving assemblies and other events and the Charles County Association of Student Councils organized campaigns that included creating posters, recording public service announcements for local radio stations and government cable channels, and participating in Red for Dead Day in which students wear red shirts to symbolize teens who died in crashes.
The unprecedented program drastically reduced the number of teen traffic fatalities immediately following its inception and the number has remained at historic lows each subsequent year: One teen died in a 2009 crash in a neighboring county and another teen died in 2011 when her car struck a tree in inclement weather.
BADGES FOR BASEBALL: Seventy-five children between 10 and 14 years old spent three days in June at Laurel Springs Regional Park in La Plata learning baseball techniques and character-building concepts during the Fourth Annual Badges for Baseball Camp sponsored by the Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation and presented by the CCSO. Members of the College of Southern Maryland and Frostburg State University baseball teams taught the youngsters the fundamentals of baseball while officers assigned to the School Resource Unit (SROs), who organize the camp, taught lessons about respect, sportsmanship and other life skills. Sheriff Coffey, an avid baseball fan and a strong supporter of youth outreach, also helped coach the children. The CCSO treated the children to lunch, commemorative jerseys and – given the sweltering high temperatures – frequent water breaks.
FOOTBALL CAMP: It’s not every day that youngsters have the opportunity to play football with police officers and a Super Bowl champion but for two days in June, that is exactly what happened in Charles County when the CCSO presented its first-ever Football Camp, sponsored by the Greater Waldorf Jaycees and the Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation. Former Washington Redskins offensive lineman and Super Bowl champion Rod Milstead joined SROs, many of whom coach youth football teams in their spare time, to teach fifth and sixth graders the fundamentals of football and character-building lessons in teamwork and sportsmanship. They were grouped by teams, each led by one of the coaches, and played a series of games leading to the championship tournament on the last day of camp. Afterward, Mr. Milstead signed autographs for the youngsters and posed for photographs.

Coach Rod Milstead, a Super Bowl champion and former Washington offensive lineman, discusses his team’s next play.
JUST SAY NO: The School Resource Unit hosted the 25th Annual Just Say No Camp in August at the College of Southern Maryland (CSM). More than 30 children between the ages of 10 and 13 participated in the event. The students, who were selected by their teachers, demonstrated good behavior and consistent attendance at their school-sponsored Just Say No Club meetings the previous school year. The SROs discussed drug abuse, tobacco and alcohol prevention, and Internet safety and also introduced students to various aspects of police work through special presentations by narcotics detectives, the Emergency Services Team and the K9 Unit. The CCSO provided lunch and the students had the opportunity to swim in CSM’s pool each day. They celebrated the conclusion of the camp with a trip to the Chesapeake Beach Water Park. The camp is free to participants and funded by donations from individuals and businesses.
GO FISH: CCSO volunteers spent a day in May teaching 52 students how to fish at Gilbert Run Park. The students are enrolled in the Life Skills program at Charles County Public Schools. CCSO personnel – and Wal-Mart and Fred’s Sports – also donated fishing rods and bait. It is the fourth consecutive year the CCSO has participated in the fishing trip. The Maryland State Police and the La Plata Blue Knights also participated.
Community Outreach
SPECIAL OLYMPICS MARYLAND: Three remarkable events happened in Charles County in 2013, and at times it seemed the circumstances were made for television: Zombies invaded a park; cops and cows stood on the rooftops of two local Chick-fil-A Restaurants; and hundreds of bright red-clad runners and walkers traversed the streets of La Plata. Even more remarkable, these events helped the CCSO raise a record-breaking $47,000 for Special Olympics Maryland (SOMD).
Law Enforcement Torch Run
The CCSO hosted the Charles County leg of the 27th annual Law Enforcement Torch Run in June. The Torch Run escorts the Flame of Hope across Maryland and is one of multiple Torch Runs in the state that converge annually at Towson University to light the cauldron at the Opening Ceremony of the SOMD Summer Games. About 500 people participated in the Charles County Torch Run, including CCSO personnel, SOMD athletes and their families, and U.S. Marines assigned to the Chemical-Biological Incident Response Force (C-BIRF) at the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Indian Head. One route for walkers and another for runners departed the parking lot of Texas Roadhouse in La Plata and returned there for lunch and a medal presentation ceremony. Sponsors included Texas Roadhouse, Chick-fil-A of Waldorf, Port Tobacco Marina and Buffalo Wild Wings. The Torch Run raises money through the sale of commemorative T-shirts and hats and accounts for about $24,000 of the 2013 fundraising total.

Ready, set, go! Torch Run participants begin escorting the Special Olympics Maryland Flame of Hope with CCSO motorcycle units leading the way.
Zombie Invasion 5K
The CCSO held its First Annual Zombie Invasion 5K in November at Laurel Springs Regional Park in La Plata. During the first phase of the event – the transition phase – volunteers from the Port Tobacco Players, CSM, and the Maurice J. McDonough and La Plata High School drama clubs helped participants transition into zombies. In the second phase, the zombies raced or walked a 5K route guarded by zombie police officers. In the final phase, the zombies were treated to lunch and took part in a medal ceremony that recognized the top zombie racers in various age categories, the top overall zombie racers, the top zombie fundraising group and the best-dressed zombies. The 5K, a family-friendly event, welcomed about 600 undead members of the community and raised more than $20,000 for SOMD through donations and registration fees, which included lunch, coupons from sponsors and a commemorative T-shirt. Buffalo Wild Wings, Pizza Hotline, Texas Roadhouse and Meadows Original Frozen Custard sponsored the event.

Sgt. Charly Baker and Cpl. Lee Elliot transitioned into zombies for the CCSO’s first-ever Zombie Invasion 5K to raise money for Special Olympics Maryland. The “zombie-fied” officers helped direct traffic.
Cops on Rooftops
On a cold and rainy December day, CCSO personnel literally shouted their support for SOMD from the rooftops. Police and Corrections officers stood atop the Chick-fil-A Restaurants in La Plata and Waldorf from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. to raise money and awareness for SOMD. Officers on the roofs lowered buckets to collect the donations with help from additional officers and volunteers on the sidewalk. The Chick-fil-A in the St. Charles Towne Center mall also participated by displaying wall decals with the names of customers who chose to donate to SOMD.
WOUNDED WARRIORS: Hundreds of runners and walkers navigated the trail around Laurel Springs Park in March to take part in the First Annual Wounded Veterans 5K sponsored by the CCSO, the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Lodge 24 and the Charles County Correctional Officers Association (CCCOA). The event raised $8,700 for the Wounded Warrior Project and welcomed a crowd of between 500 and 600 runners and walkers. Texas Roadhouse, the Waldorf Chick-fil-A and WTG Tactical sponsored the event. Additionally, Texas Roadhouse, Pizza Hotline, Tequila Grill and Fiesta Café hosted “dine to donate” nights in the weeks preceding the event.
SHAVE FOR THE BRAVE: CCSO personnel participated in a “Shave for the Brave” fundraising event in March to raise money for Adam Lumpkins, a 5-year-old Hughesville resident battling cancer. Additionally, several employees collected money to donate to Adam’s family.
DAY OF CARING: In September, CCSO volunteers participated in the United Way Day of Caring, during which they and other volunteers in the community helped improve the facilities that house such United Way organizations as the Center for Children, Big Brothers and Sisters, Hospice, the Literacy Council and the Humane Society. The CCSO volunteers helped clear debris at the Accokeek Foundation, a farm that harbors rare heritage animals and provides educational opportunities for children.
MERRY CHRISTMAS: The holiday spirit inspired the CCSO to help make the season bright for less-fortunate families whose struggles are especially difficult at Christmastime. Several programs provided Christmas gifts to families who could not support such luxuries themselves.
Shop with a Cop
Christmas was merrier for 70 Charles County youngsters who participated in Shop with a Cop in December with police and correctional officers from the CCSO, the Maryland State Police, the La Plata Police Department and the Maryland Transit Authority Police. Shop with a Cop pairs children from low-income families with officers who treat them to a spirited day of shopping and other holiday festivities. The CCSO and the FOP Lodge 24 sponsor the event.
The day begins when the officers transport the children from their homes to the Elks Lodge in Waldorf for breakfast. Then, in a mile-long convoy of police cruisers, the officers drive the children to Wal-Mart in Waldorf, allowing the youngsters to operate the lights and sirens along the way. After arriving at Wal-Mart, the officers and the children shop for gifts. Each child is allotted $200, half of which they must spend on necessities like clothing, shoes and winter coats. The other half is reserved for toys, movies and other fun items. In true Christmas spirit, some of the children spend their “fun money” on gifts for family members. When the children finish their shopping, the officers return them to the Elks Lodge for lunch and a visit with Santa Claus while volunteers wrap the presents. Finally, the officers return the children home with presents and full bellies.
The event is made possible by Wal-Mart, which opens its doors to the special shoppers and dedicates two Shop with a Cop registers; the Elks Lodge, which donates the use of its facility and provides breakfast and lunch; KNC Marketing, which donates commemorative T-shirts to each child; and Cold Stone Creamery, which serves ice cream after lunch. Community donations and fundraisers, including a Chili Cook-Off hosted by the FOP each fall, fund the shopping budget. Officers Bobby Long, Colby Shaw and Jeff Feldman introduced the program in Charles County in 2008 and have organized it each year since.
Children’s Aid Society
The Corrections Division and the Charles County Correctional Officers Association (CCCOA) collected about $2,500 in gifts to donate to the Children’s Aid Society. Ms. Pam Vahle and Ms. Carol Jackson, the respective chair and vice chair of the Children’s Aid Society, accepted the donations on the organization’s behalf. The gifts would ultimately be delivered to children of low-income families.
Toys for Tots
The Charles County Teen Court program and County First Bank worked together for the third consecutive year to collect toys for the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves Toys for Tots program, which according to its website, delivers the toys at Christmastime as “a message of hope to less fortunate youngsters that will assist them in becoming responsible, productive, patriotic citizens.”
Helping a Family in Need
Shortly before Christmas, a CCPS employee brought to the CCSO’s attention a mother and her three young children who were living at a local motel and struggling to make ends meet. One of the children attends a local elementary school and her classmates and members of her school’s staff were collecting clothing and other necessities for the family. CCSO personnel donated toys, clothing, gift cards for groceries and other necessities. Then, Sheriff Coffey traded his police uniform for a Santa suit and joined Community Policing Officers and representatives from the school to deliver the gifts to the family.
Awards and Accolades
HONORING OUR OWN: The CCSO honored 33 award recipients and 13 retirees during its annual Awards and Retirement Banquet in November at the Waldorf Jaycees Community Center. Honored for their career service were: Lt. Joseph Fenlon, 30 years; Master Sgt. Vincent Weaver, 32 years; Master Sgt. Eunice Banks, 30 years; Cpl. Richard Zink, 20 years; PFC Charles Deehan, 20 years; Cpl. John Greer, 10 years; Mr. Ernest Jones, 27 years; Mr. Larry Leukhardt, 20 years; Ms. Thelery Mack, 14 years; Ms. Linda Schrout, 18 years; Mr. John Wood, 16 years; Mr. James Anderson, 16 years; and Mr. Darrell Linvell, 10 years. Bronze medals of valor were presented to Sgt. Benjamin Voorhaar, Sgt. Charles Baker, Sgt. Scott Fetterolf and Cpl. Sean Brown for brave actions that saved the life of a shooting victim. Bronze medals of valor were also presented to Cpl. John Freeman, Officer Michael Armstrong and Officer Jena Hatfield for diffusing an intense standoff involving an armed man who was threatening to harm his mother and her husband.
Meritorious awards, Sheriff’s awards, and certificates of commendation were also presented at the banquet. The Waldorf Jaycees donated the use of its community center and provided the meal and dinner service. Grace Harmony, a vocal trio from the Southern Maryland Christian Academy, performed.
CRIME PREVENTION: The Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention (GOCCP) recognized the CCSO for its outstanding crime prevention programs at the 33rd Annual Governor’s Crime Prevention Award Ceremony. The GOCCP also recognized Waldorf resident Gerald “Gerry” Torres for leading the establishment of a formidable Citizens on Patrol program in Pinefield after a series of thefts and burglaries occurred in the neighborhood.
DRIVING AWARDS: The CCSO and Charles County Government hosted the Third Annual Vehicle Rodeo and Health and Wellness Fair at Laurel Springs Park in October. In addition to displays from vendors promoting health and wellness, the event included a timed safe-driving competition. PFC Alexander Sullivan, PFC Matthew Van Horn and Officer Kevin Makle took first, second and third place, respectively, in the law enforcement vehicle cone course skills test.
About our Divisions
With an effective blend of proud traditions and innovative ideas, the Charles County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO) operates as the primary law enforcement agency in Charles County and provides all services associated with police departments and sheriff’s offices and also operates the Charles County Detention Center. The CCSO employs more than 600 sworn, corrections, and civilian personnel, making it one of Charles County’s largest employers.
In 2013, the CCSO operated under the leadership of Sheriff Rex W. Coffey. Sheriff Coffey’s many responsibilities are assigned by the Maryland State Constitution, the common law and statutory laws of the State of Maryland. The Sheriff executes his responsibilities through the Office of the Sheriff, which oversees, guides, and directs all components of the CCSO and its nine divisions.
The Sheriff receives assistance from the Chief Assistant Sheriff and two Assistant Sheriffs. In 2013, Lt. Colonel Robert Cleaveland served as the Chief Assistant Sheriff and Majors Joseph “Buddy” Gibson and Marvin Butler served as the Assistant Sheriffs of Administration and Operations, respectively.
In 2013, the Sheriff’s Command Staff also included:
Office of Professional Responsibility: Capt. Jon Norris
Patrol Division: Capt. Karl Hense
Special Operations Division: Capt. Daniel Gimler
Criminal Investigations Division: Capt. Reynal Aportadera
Information Services Division: Capt. J. Scott Whitcraft
Special Services Division: Capt. Michael Klotz
Executive Services Division: Capt. Michael Rackey
Training Division: Capt. Michael McGuigan
Administrative Services Division: Capt. Cecilia Johnston
Corrections Division: Director Pamela Dottellis
Office of the General Counsel: Mr. Christopher Welsh
The Media Relations Office publishes the Charles County Sheriff’s Office’s Annual Report. More information about the CCSO including our history, a tribute to our fallen officers, crime prevention programs, and news and events is available on our website. Those with questions or comments about this report or other matters are encouraged to contact us.