Charles County Teen Court is a juvenile justice diversion program in which offenders between the ages of 13 and 17 are judged by a jury of their peers and offered the opportunity to accept accountability for their minor crimes without having to incur a permanent record.


The program is designed to reduce the number of youth offenders and educate them in a realistic court environment. Since Teen Court’s establishment in March 2001, thousands of teens have taken the opportunity to accept responsibility for their actions and change their behavior.

Teen Court also gives teens who are interested in the judicial system the opportunity to help their peers while gaining first-hand knowledge of the court system. The program offers adult volunteer opportunities as well.


Contact Teen Court Coordinator Sarah Vaughan with questions by calling 301-609-3916 or e-mailing

Sarah Vaughan, Teen Court Coordinator

Sarah Vaughan, Teen Court Coordinator

About Teen Court

Teen Court cases are real cases in which an arrest has been made or a traffic citation has been issued. Teens are required to plead guilty and to understand their participation in the program is voluntary.

Charles County Teen Court is based on the philosophy that when a peer jury decides the punishment, youth offenders will avoid violating the law in the future. It offers misdemeanor offenders:

  • The opportunity to restore relationships within their communities through informal methods of adjudication
  • The resources to improve their future decision making
  • Lessons about responsibility.

Teen Court participants avoid the stigma of formal juvenile records, focusing instead on accountability and development. They accept responsibility for their actions by fulfilling sanctions determined by a jury of their peers.

Teen Court handles misdemeanor, non-violent offenses including, but not limited to:

  • Theft
  • Assault
  • Traffic Violations
  • Disorderly Conduct
  • Common Law Affray

Cases are presented in one of two formats: Petit Court and Grand Jury.
Charles County Teen Court currently uses the Grand Jury format.

Once the case is heard and the jury determines a suitable sanction, the Teen Court Coordinator will review the jury’s decision with the respondent and his or her parents. Respondents sign a contract agreeing to complete the imposed sanctions within the allotted timeframe.

Teen Court sanctions can vary according to the offense and typically involve future participation on a Teen Court jury. A typical sanction might also include:

  • Apology letter to victim(s)
  • Community Service
  • Research Paper
  • Essay or DVD
  • Prevention or Education Projects
  • In-school Informal Probation

Information For Parents And Respondents

Trial Night
Please arrive at the Charles County Circuit Courthouse at 5:45 p.m. The address is: 200 Charles Street, La Plata MD 20646.

Dress Code
Respondents should wear business attire. Acceptable attire includes slacks, collared shirts and sweaters for gentlemen and slacks, skirts, dresses and blouses for ladies. Absolutely no flip-flops, ripped clothes or t-shirts are permitted.

When you arrive to the courthouse, please notify Court Security you are appearing for a Teen Court trial. Court Security will need to know the respondent’s name.

Before the Trial
Teen Court is conducted in three courtrooms. Three or four cases are presented in each room and cases can last up to 45 minutes. Please be patient while waiting for your case to be called. Do not leave the courthouse as your case may be moved to another courtroom.

When a case is called, the respondent will sit at the table and parents will sit in the first row of benches. The judge will speak with the respondent for a few minutes and the respondent will then take the stand. The trial will begin.

Reminder to Parents
During trial, parents are not allowed to speak for their child. When the trial concludes, parents who have concerns may ask the bailiff to summon the Teen Court Coordinator, who will answer any questions or address other concerns.

After Deliberation
After the jury has decided your sanctions the parent along with the respondent will go back in the courtroom. The judge will read the disposition. The judge will then talk to you for a few minutes.

Exit Interview
After each trial, respondents will speak with an exit interviewer. He or she will explain to you: your sanctions, your deadlines and completing and submitting paperwork.


  • This is a voluntary program, if at any time you or your parents want to leave the program, contact the Teen Court Coordinator, Sarah Vaughan. Ms. Vaughan is in the office Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and her direct phone number is 301-609-3916.
  • School Resource Officers are also available to answer Teen Court questions during the school day.

Volunteer Information

Youth Volunteers Must:

  • Be between 12 and 17 years old
  • Be in good academic standing
  • Abide by the rules of the program
  • Respect the Oath of Confidentiality
  • Demonstrate maturity and sensitivity

Cell Phone & Electronics Policy for Volunteers

You are allowed to have your cell phone with you on Teen Court nights. However, once you enter into a courtroom the cell phone must be powered off.

Behavior & Protocol for Volunteers

Teen Court participants should arrive between 5:15 p.m. and 5:45pm to sign in. Participants will follow the directions of the Teen Court staff and are expected to display appropriate behaviors at all times, which includes being courteous and respectful, maintaining an acceptable demeanor, and refraining from the use of obscene language or gestures. During Teen Court proceedings, participants are expected to pay attention, refrain from private conversations, and avoid laughing and making loud noises. Once the hearing has begun, participants will not be allowed to leave the courtroom. Teen court participants should not display facial expressions, nodding or shaking of heads, or other conduct that might indicate personal feelings or opinions about what is happening during the proceedings. These are real cases and deviation from the expected norms of the program will not be tolerated and will result in dismissal from the program.

To volunteer for Teen Court, download the youth application and bring it to the next Teen Court session.

Teen Court Volunteer Benefits

  • Community Service: For each session as a jury member, lawyer or bailiff, teens will receive four hours of community service which can be used for school purposes.
  • Education: Throughout the calendar year, Teen Court provides information on healthy living and staying tobacco free to our volunteers.
  • Invitation to the Annual Awards Banquet: Regular volunteers are invited to join Teen Court staff and Community Partners to celebrate Teen Court over dinner.

Suspensions to the Superintendent

If you have been referred to Teen Court due to a suspension to the Superintendent, below are some things you need to know before you come to Teen Court.
Teens Information:
~ You are not on trial for any type of charge. You are strictly coming to participate as a volunteer in the program.
~ You can arrive at the La Plata Courthouse located at 200 Charles Street, La Plata, MD 20646 between 5:15 p.m. and 5:45 p.m. You must dress court appropriate. For gentlemen, this means slacks and a button down shirt or a polo. For ladies, this means slacks, a nice shirt, or dress/skirt (which must be of an appropriate length).
~ When you arrive at the courthouse please check in with court security and tell them you are a volunteer. Let them know that you are a first-time volunteer and need to know where to sign in.
~ Once you sign in, you will then be put in your assigned courtroom.
Parent Information:
~ If you have any questions regarding Teen Court, please call the Teen Court Unit at 301-609-3916 during business hours. The hours for the Teen Court Unit are as follows: Monday – Friday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., and on Teen Court nights 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
~ Parents are not allowed to sit in the courtroom during trials. You are more than welcome to walk your child into the courthouse to see where they are going as well as wait for them in the lobby. You may also drop them off and come back to pick them up at 8:30 p.m.

Teen Court Roles


  • Adult volunteer, usually from the legal profession
  • Serves as senior authority in the courtroom
  • Reviews jury sanctions and presents it to respondent
  • Discusses the offense and its potential impact with the respondent and the respondent’s parents
  • Addresses issues that arise during court proceedings, such as questions about the jury or the applicable law

Court Monitor

  • Adult volunteer
  • Sets up the courtroom and prepares for the session
  • Reviews guidelines with jury
  • Supervises all jury members inside and outside the courtroom
  • Monitors jury during deliberations to ensure fair outcome

Exit Interviewer

  • Adult volunteer
  • Prepares exit packets for respondents and their families
  • Explain how to complete sanctions as well as provide due dates
  • Ensure all forms are completed and signed

Prosecuting Attorney (used in Petit Court format only)

  • Youth volunteer
  • Becomes familiar with aggravating and mitigating circumstances related to the case
  • Seeks justice by arguing for an sentence that is appropriate for the severity of the offense and that will be constructive and rehabilitative.
  • Prepare cases
  • Present opening statements
  • Question the respondent
  • Make closing arguments

Defense Attorney (used in Petit Court format only)

  • Youth volunteer
  • Serve as respondent’s advocate
  • Prepare cases
  • Present opening statements
  • Protest objectionable questioning by the prosecutor
  • Make concerted effort to convince the jury to reduce the penalties
  • Serve their client zealously without misrepresenting the case


  • Usually a cadet but duties may be performed by adult volunteers
  • Maintains safety and security of Teen Court participants
  • Guard jurors
  • Escort defendants and families to the courtroom
  • Announce the judge to the court
  • Assist the judge during the hearing

Jury Members

  • Work with fellow jury members to reach a verdict based upon evidence as presented in court
  • Agree to impose a sentence designed to hold the respondents responsible for their actions
  • Must perform their duties honestly without fear or favor

Jurors are randomly selected from the Teen Court volunteer pool. A jury may be comprised in part by previous offenders sanctioned to serve jury duty.

Location and Courthouse Rules

Regular sessions of Charles County Teen Court are conducted at the Charles County Circuit Courthouse located at:

200 Charles Street
La Plata, MD 20646

Parking is available behind the courthouse and beside it. Please do not park in the adjacent church’s parking lot. Use the entrance accessible from the parking lot behind the building.

All jurors and respondents should arrive at the courthouse between 5:15pm and 5:45pm. All courthouse visitors are subject to a security checkpoint. Please follow the directions of the court security officer. The following items are strictly prohibited:

  • Radios
  • Recording devices
  • Cameras
  • Weapons
  • Any other electronic items

Generally, cell phones are also prohibited in the courthouse however Teen Court guests are permitted to carry one to coordinate transportation following the session. Cell phones must be turned off while inside the courthouse. Cell phones are not permitted during normal courthouse hours.

Cancellation Policy

Quick reminder of our policy regarding cancelling a Teen Court session. As always, if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact the Teen Court Unit at 301-609-3916.

If schools are closed for the day and Teen Court is scheduled for that night, Teen Court will automatically be cancelled.

If schools close early and Teen Court is scheduled for that night, Teen Court will automatically be cancelled.

If schools open late and Teen Court is scheduled for that night, it will be the Coordinator’s call if there will be Teen Court that evening.

If schools are on a regular schedule and Teen Court is scheduled for that night, and inclement weather starts after school or is predicted for that evening, it will be the Coordinator’s call if there will be Teen Court that evening.

If the Coordinator cancels Teen Court, a message will be placed on the Teen Court answering machine as well as an automatic response stating “Teen Court is cancelled” on e-mail as well.

Teen Court Outreach

The Charles County Teen Court Unit’s outreach mission is to empower youth and their families with the knowledge and support needed to strengthen our community.

Community Events

The Charles County Teen Court Unit attends community events year-round to provide information and resources to the community. Community Events previously attend by Teen Court include HITS Expo; Project Graduation; Cobb Island Day; Children & Families Resource Day; PPW Community Day; school open houses, career days, and community days; National Night Out; and many more.

Information Sessions

The Charles County Sheriff’s Office Teen Court partners with local experts to host information sessions for parents, foster parents, guardians, and educators on a variety of topics. Previous topics include:

  • Dating Violence – The signs to watch for and habits to form healthy relationships.
  • Health – Health risks of vaping, smoking, and using tobacco and resources available to help quit.
  • Emotional wellness – Learning the importance of finding joy in each day, a focus on gratitude, and how to reduce your stress to live a healthier life.

These information sessions are open to parents and youth who are in middle school and high school. Any youth planning to attend must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

These sessions typically have limited seating and require registration, but there is no cost for these classes. For more details on information sessions currently being offered, visit our Events & Resources page.

Teen Court Events

The Charles County Teen Court Unit hosts events to provide resources to the community. They also hold collection drives to support area food pantries, schools, local non-profits, and more. For information on current or upcoming events or collection drives, visit our Teen Court Events section.

Frequently Asked Questions

Teen Court is a juvenile justice diversion program offering offenders between the ages of 13 and 17 the opportunity to accept accountability for minor crimes without having to incur a permanent record. Juvenile respondents are judged by a jury of their peers as part of this voluntary program, which is designed to reduce the number of youth offenders and educate them in a realistic court environment.

Since the program was established in March 2001, thousands of teens have been given the opportunity to accept responsibility for their actions and change their behavior.

The program also gives teens who are interested in the judicial system the opportunity to help their peers while gaining first-hand knowledge of the court system. Adult volunteers serve as judges.

Who is eligible for Teen Court?

Teen Court is a program for youth between the ages of 13 and 17 enrolled in school. The presiding District Court Judge, a Police Officer, or family member may refer those who are eligible to the program for traffic violations or in instances of misdemeanors crimes. The child must enter a guilty plea to be eligible for the program and parental consent and participation is mandatory.

Are any fees required?

There is no charge to participate in Teen Court. However, any applicable restitution must be resolved.

Is there a dress code?

The following dress code is enforced and applies to all respondents, jurors and volunteers.

All attire must be neat and clean. Some examples of court appropriate attire include: dress pants, collared shirts, blouses, skirts, and dresses.

The following items are prohibited:

  • Jeans with holes and/or tears
  • Caps or hats (in the Courtroom)
  • Short shorts or short skirts
  • Tank tops or exposed midriffs
  • Any clothing bearing inappropriate logos
  • Sagging pants or exposed underwear
  • Torn or dirty clothing
  • Cell phones, smart phones, tablet computers, MP3 players, etc.

Teen Court reserves the right to refuse involvement to anyone who does not abide by the dress code.

Where are the Community Service work sites?

The respondent is responsible for contacting the agency to schedule the community service hours. Possible assignments include:

  • Spring Dell Center
  • Greater Waldorf Jaycee’s
  • Non-profit Organizations
  • Senior citizen centers or retirement homes
  • Churches
  • Civic groups
  • Government buildings/offices

What are the sanctions for a particular offense?

Sanctions include a variety of consequences based upon the severity of an offense and can include: community service hours, Teen Court jury service, research papers, essays, letters of apology and other special projects. The Teen Court jury determines the appropriate sanctions based upon the evidence presented and the sanction guidelines provided by Teen Court.

What happens if I am referred to Teen Court from the District Court Judge, Police Officer, or School Resource Officer?

Those referred to the program by a judge or officer will receive a form and should contact the Teen Court Coordinator to schedule an appointment for their preliminary interview. During the interview, the respondents will receive their court date.

What happens if I don’t complete my sentence?

Respondents who fail to complete the obligations required by their sanctions will be required to complete the judicial process through the District Court Judge or the Department of Juvenile Services and the offense will become part of the State’s official records.

Is Teen Court real?

Yes, the cases and the consequences are real. The Teen Court Judge has power to remove people from the Courtroom for being disruptive or disrespectful. The Teen Court Coordinator or the judge reserve the right to refuse to hear the case of any youth who fails to abide by the rules of the Court.

Why should I go to Teen Court?

First and foremost, Teen Court places the responsibility of the offense on the teen while avoiding the formal record established by the Department of Juvenile Services. Teen Court helps teens turn a mistake into a hands-on learning experience and reduces the chance of teens committing future criminal acts by increasing the teens’ awareness of the law. Teens acquire valuable work experience while contributing their service to the community. In traffic cases, the program saves teens and parents the expense of fines, points and other court costs.

How is Teen Court funded?

Teen Court is operated by the Charles County Sheriff’s Office and supported by additional grant funding from the State. Private sponsors make various other contributions to the program.

Can I be a respondent and return as a volunteer?

Yes. Many Teen Court volunteers are prior respondents and, having participated in the program in that capacity, their experience provides Teen Court staff with a unique and very useful perspective. Prior respondents are strongly encouraged to volunteer. Download the youth application

Do you have opportunities for teen and adult volunteers?

Yes. Volunteering for Teen Court is an educational and rewarding opportunity for teens and adults alike.

Will my service as a Teen Court volunteer count toward the Student Service Learning Project required for high school graduation?

Yes. Volunteer jury members receive hour-for-hour credit toward their community service project hours. The project record sheet and guidelines are available from each teen’s respective school. If the school requires a letter from Teen Court, please contact the Teen Court office and allow 72 business hours for the letter to be issued. Teen Court will not deliver the letter to the school. The student or a parent must make arrangements to pick up the letter from the Teen Court office if a hard copy is required.

What happens if there is inclement weather on a Teen Court night?

If schools are closed for the day and Teen Court is scheduled for that night, Teen Court will automatically be cancelled.

If schools close early and Teen Court is scheduled for that night, Teen Court will automatically be cancelled.

If schools open late and Teen Court is scheduled for that night, it will be the Coordinator’s call if there will be Teen Court that evening.

If schools are on a regular schedule and Teen Court is scheduled for that night, and inclement weather starts after school or is predicted for that evening, it will be the Coordinator’s call if there will be Teen Court that evening.

If the Coordinator cancels Teen Court, a message will be placed on the Teen Court answering machine as well as an automatic response stating “Teen Court is cancelled” on e-mail as well.

How can I get more information?

For more information or to provide comments about Teen Court, contact Teen Court Coordinator Sarah Vaughan. Call 301-609-3916 or e-mail

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