DATE: January 26, 2018
Janelle Love
Media Relations Office
301-609-6538 or (240) 419-0646
SCHOOL BUS ACCIDENT AT WESTLAKE HIGH SCHOOL: On January 26 at approximately 7:17 a.m., officers responded to the parking lot of Westlake High School for the report of a motor vehicle crash with injuries involving multiple school buses. The on-scene investigation revealed that a school bus arrived at Westlake High School to drop off students from the morning pick-up. The bus driver, Kathleen Fetterolf, 79, of White Plains, failed to place the bus in park while she was addressing a student on the bus. She removed her foot from the brake and accidentally hit the accelerator, causing the bus the surge forward and strike a second school bus that was off-loading students. The second bus was forced forward and struck a third bus that was empty. As a result of the collision, 6 students and 1 bus driver were transported to local hospitals by ambulance for minor injuries. One injured student was released to his parents on scene for follow-up medical treatment. The Traffic Operations Unit is investigating. Charges are pending.
CHILD ABUSE / FIRST DEGREE ASSAULT: On January 25 at approximately 5:14 p.m., officers responded to the 3100 block of Krefeld Lane in Waldorf for the report of an assault in progress. Upon arrival, officers located the 12-year-old victim who had injuries consistent with being struck by several different objects, including a belt and an electrical cord. Detectives from the Criminal Investigations Division were contacted and responded. The on-scene investigation revealed the victim was struck by her mother with numerous objects and punched in the face several times. The victim had numerous injuries and was treated by EMS before being transported to a hospital. Her mother was arrested and charged with second degree child abuse, first degree assault, and second degree assault. PFC C. Wimberly is investigating.
BURGLARY: On January 26 at approximately 8:23 a.m., officers responded to the 1200 block of Adams Road in Waldorf for

Oden, Jarret Dustin
the report of a subject going through a window into a residence. Officers arrived and located a window ajar in the back of the residence with the screen pushed up and crooked. Officers entered the residence and located the accused inside. Jarret Dustin Oden, 33, of Upper Marlboro, was arrested and charged with first degree burglary, third degree burglary, and fourth degree burglary. PFC N. Garner investigated.
Charles County Crime Solvers offers rewards of up to $1,000 for information that leads to the arrest or indictment of a person responsible for a crime in Charles County. Anyone with information about an unsolved crime or the location of a fugitive may contact Charles County Crime Solvers by calling 1-866-411-TIPS. All individuals who provide tips through Crime Solvers will remain anonymous. Learn more at the CCSO’s website.
The Charles County Sheriff’s Office is a full-service law enforcement agency comprised of more than 600 police, corrections and civilian personnel responsible for protecting more than 150,000 residents. The CCSO was accredited by the Commission on the Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) in 2001 has been designated as a CALEA Gold Standard of Excellence agency since 2011. Established in 1658, the CCSO is one of the oldest law enforcement agencies in the United States. For more information, visit