DETECTIVE AND POLICE CADET NAB FRAGRANCE THIEF DURING SURVEILLANCE STING: After four months of investigation and pursuing countless leads, Detective C. Gilroy arrested Edward Daniel Sloane, 51, of Owings Mills, in connection with multiple thefts of expensive women’s fragrances and men’s cologne. Sloane was first spotted in January entering a department store and stealing dozens of bottles of perfumes. Surveillance footage of the thefts was released, but he was not identified. Throughout the next few months, Sloane returned to the same store and stole approximately $11,000 worth of fragrances. On April 25, at 11:18 a.m., during his seventh appearance inside the store, Sloane was observed by Detective Gilroy and the cadet – who, coincidently, set up surveillance that morning hoping to catch a break in the case. Their work paid off. Sloane was observed putting dozens of women’s fragrances such as Prada, Viktor & Roth, Chanel, Coach, and other popular scents inside a bag he brought with him. When he attempted to leave without paying, Det. Gilroy approached to make an arrest. Sloane resisted her commands, but she and a store loss prevention officer made the apprehension. Sloane was charged with felony theft, theft scheme, resisting arrest, and other related charges.

Edward Sloane
JUVENILES CHARGED IN CONNECTION WITH FIGHT: On April 30 at 7:20 a.m., an altercation occurred at Maurice J. McDonough High School in Pomfret. The initial altercation began in the cafeteria between several juveniles and continued into the main office. A staff member was kicked while he and other administrators separated the involved parties. The School Resource Officer called for assistance, and the juveniles were subdued. Six students were subsequently charged with second-degree assault, disorderly conduct, disruption of school activities, and affray. Two additional juveniles face charges as well. The investigation is ongoing.
Media Contact:
Diane Richardson
Media Relations Office
(301) 609-6557